I affirm that all statements I have made on this employment application are true and complete. I understand that any false or misleading statements or material omissions may result in the denial of employment or, if I am employed, in the termination of my employment.
I agree that my employment with Muskegon Charter Township will be at will and may be terminated by me or the
company at any time, with or without cause and with or without notice.
I agree that I will not disclose to anyone or use for my own purposes any of the Township’s confidential or proprietary information, either during or after my employment, except at the request and for the benefit of the Township. I agree that information about the Township’s customers, vendors, sources of supply, pricing, costs, and other financial information, products, services, methods of operation, marketing, engineering methods, production,
and the like is confidential and proprietary information that belongs to the Township. If my employment with the Township ends, I will not retain any copies or summaries of any such information, but will promptly return all such information to the Township.
I agree to submit to physical examinations permitted by law before and during my employment, at the request and expense of the Township, and I agree to disclose all information lawfully requested at such examinations about my physical and mental condition and medical history. I also agree that before and during my employment, at the request and expense of the Township, I will cooperate in such lawful medical tests (including blood, urine or other testing) as the Township requests to check for drugs or alcohol in my system. I waive any claims against the
Township or its agents or any testing agency retained by the Township or its agents relating to any such testing, or
from lawful decisions made regarding my employment or termination of employment based upon the results of
such testing or analysis.
I agree that except as prohibited by law the Township may, during or after my employment, disclose or discuss any
information or opinions relating to me or my employment to employees of the Township or third parties. I waive
written or other notice of any such disclosure, including disclosure of disciplinary matters, and I waive any claims against the Township or its agents relating to any such disclosure or discussion.
I agree that I will not commence any action or lawsuit relating to my employment or application for employment with Muskegon Charter Township more than 6 months after the employment action that is the subject of the action or lawsuit, and I agree to waive any statute of limitations to the contrary. I understand that this means that even if the law would give me the right to wait a longer time to make a claim, I am freely and knowingly waiving that right, and that any claims not brought within 6 months after the relevant employment action will be barred.
I agree to the above terms of employment. I agree that if any of the above terms are ever found to be legally
unenforceable as written, such invalidity will not affect the validity of the rest of this agreement, and such term shall
be limited to allow its enforcement as far as legally possible. I agree that no one other than the Township Supervisor, by a written directive, has any authority to modify the above terms of employment, or to make any exception to them, or to offer employment on any other terms.
I agree that I will be bound by and will adhere to any other rules and policies issued by the Township, including all
rules and policies contained in the Muskegon Charter Township Employee Handbook and Policies.
I understand that it is the policy of Muskegon Charter Township to verify employment eligibility, including social
security numbers, for all employees.