The Township’s Assessing Department
The Assessing Department’s primary function is to assess all real and personal property within Muskegon Township each year. The Assessor is required by state law to assess at 50 percent of true cash value all assessable property as of December 31. The assessment roll must be completed and prepared by the Assessor for presentation to the March Board of Review.
The Department maintains information for public use on taxpayer name and mailing address, size, age and characteristics of buildings, parcel sizes, tax descriptions, property addresses and sale prices of vacant and improved properties (if known). Information is available at the counter in the Assessor’s office and also online by clicking here.
The Department also answers inquiries from residents, property owners, appraisers, realtors, mortgage companies, title companies, potential buyers and government agencies.
Office Phone: (231) 777-2555
Office Fax: (231) 777-4912
Assessor: Edward VanderVries, MMAO IV, PPE
Deputy Assessor: Kathryn Wright
Assessing Secretary
Neda Velez Bunker
(231)777-2555 Ext. 1125
Homeowners can access their own parcel for free; other parcels can be accessed for a $3.00 per parcel fee.
Please read the Township’s on-line disclaimer (link).
Assessing Notices – A Notice of Assessment is sent out for each property every year at least 10 days prior to the March Board of Review. This is usually sometime in the last week of February.
March Board of Review – This board meets every year in March to hear poverty exemptions and property value appeals/protests from property owners. The Board of Review shall meet on the second Monday in March for the purpose of hearing taxpayer appeals. The governing body of a Township may authorize an alternative starting date for this meeting, either the Tuesday or the Wednesday following the second Monday in March. This is the only time you may appeal/protest your property value (SEV). If you do not appeal your value to the March Board of Review, you are not able to take your appeal to the tax tribunal.
July Board of Review – The July Board meets on the Tuesday following the third Monday in July if there is business to conduct. Only appeals regarding qualified errors of the roll and poverty exemptions are heard in July.
December Board of Review – The December Board meets on the Tuesday following the second Monday in December if there is business to conduct. Only appeals regarding qualified errors of the roll and poverty exemptions are heard in December.
Assessing Department Policy on Taxpayer Accessibility-